In June, the provincial government indicated that students in BC will attend school full time, in-person. Everyone at the Vancouver School District looks forward to welcoming students back in September.
We expect new guidelines from the provincial government including direction about wearing masks among other layers of protection in the coming weeks. The District will share specific health and safety plans with students, their families and staff as soon as details are made available from the Ministry of Education. Like all school districts, we take direction from public health officials regarding public health matters, and the health, safety and well-being of students and staff remains our top priority.
Last year, District staff worked hard to keep everyone safe and healthy. This included:
- Distribution of more than 229,000 masks to students and staff
- Practiced physical distancing, respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene
- Directional signage and staggered recess and lunch breaks to manage traffic flows
- Maintained cohorts as directed by the provincial government and adapted school schedules
- Implemented daily health checks for students and staff
- Frequently cleaned of surfaces
- Improved ventilation/air circulation in schools
- Placed protective barriers where appropriate
- Increased outdoor learning opportunities wherever possible.
In addition, the District assisted in the efforts by Vancouver Coastal Health to conduct contact tracing and shared information about potential exposures. We also participated in pilot projects for COVID testing and research and projects. Research has shown that schools were not higher risk locations for COVID-19 transmissions.
As we look forward to a new school year, the District remains committed to the health, safety and well-being of students and staff. Additional information about plans for the 2021-2022 school year will be made available, including via posts to the COVID-19 updates section of our website.