Desserts, Arts and Drama

Our Annual Desserts, Arts and Drama night is our biggest fundraiser of the year and will be taking place on Thursday, April 26 from 6:30-9:00pm.  Students, families, friends, and prospective students are all welcome! This year’s schedule includes:

  • Skits performed by our Drama 9 class
  • Art exhibits
  • Talent show acts featuring some of our very talented students
  • Silent auction hosted by our PAC
  • Photo booth
  • And more new ideas to come!

Hope you will join us!

***On a related note, our PAC is calling for volunteers as well as donated auction items and bake sale items.  Auction items may be brought into our office at this time (no used goods, include an approximate value). This year, the PAC is trying something new to generate more participation and interest among students and families.  They are asking for auction items to be donated according to the following themes, IF POSSIBLE, for each grade:

Gr.12: Gardening, Multicultural
Gr.11: Tasty Beverages, Night Out
Gr.10: Tasty Beverages, Sporting fun
Gr.9: Gourmet Foods, Family Night
Gr.8: Multicultural, Outdoor Adventures

The grade that generates the most $$ will win a pizza lunch for the class from the PAC.  Please note that all donated items will be accepted even if they do not fit these themes.

Finally, if you would like to volunteer with the PAC or have bake sale items, please contact the PAC through