Just a few reminders for everyone:
- School Forms – We are still missing some student verification forms, earthquake forms etc from some students. Please submit these forms to the office ASAP. They are extremely important for updating our school records which are particularly vital in the event of an emergency.
- Bamfield Trip 2018 – We still have 7-8 spots available that must be filled in order for this trip to run this school year. These spots are now open to all students at Ideal. The total cost of the trip is $550 which we have been able to keep relatively low due to a subsidy we have received. Unfortunately, we will lose the subsidy if the trip is cancelled. This is a great hands-on learning experience at a world class research facility so take advantage of this opportunity! We will not be offering this trip in the 2019 school year.
- Synervoice Student Absence Calls – Please note that the automated system from Churchill may call home if a student has been marked absent in any classes at Ideal or Churchill in the school day. This is for parent’s knowledge only and is only a concern if your child has missed a class without the school’s or your consent. Please continue to call in daily to the Ideal Mini office each day your child is away.
- Parents are reminded to please respect the NO STUDENT DROP-OFF signs leading to the staff parking lot. This helps ensure the safety of Ideal and Laurier students and proper access for all VSB vehicles.