A much deserved Spring Break is finally here for our students and staff. Recent events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has certainly been worrisome for everyone in our school community. Not only may some of our family travel plans be affected but also our daily way of life.
As for our school, we are under the jurisdiction of Vancouver Coastal Health and the Ministry of Education. Any updates that Ideal Mini or Churchill have received have been relayed to parents in update notices as they come. It is essential that your contact information, particularly email address, is up to date with our school. Over Spring Break, please keep an eye out on the VSB’s website (www.vsb.bc.ca) for the most current information as well as our local news information stations. The most recent update notice (as of March 13) has asked families to voluntarily self-quarantine for 14-days if they travel outside of Canada.
As for our Grade 8 and 9 trip to Bamfield, (April 6-9, 2020), it is still going ahead at this time until we receive instructions from the VSB or Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Any updates will be relayed to families on our school website.
Though times may be difficult, enjoy the break and be well.